Saturday 25 November 2017


Hello all. Just thought I would write a quick blog about something that happened to me this week. Its a very special time for the Squires' this week. Any time there is a new comic book movie its a big deal for us, all of us. Justice League was playing in Corner Brook and we were all going. This is an event. It's a holiday for our geeky souls. Birthday, anniversary, Christmas... Someone modified and geekified our nativity. (it was the wisest men they could find) Watching my children's faces during these movies is comparable to watching them on Christmas morning. It's like them seeing thier oldest friends come to life...and mine too. It's kind of a big deal! Something else corresponded with the upcoming movie. BLACK FRIDAY. Off we go to brave the masses. Of course we end up shopping at all of our geeky stopming grounds (of which there are three, seriously West Coast??) Happily we go on our geeky merry way. Don't we look happy? During our walk through one of our favorite geeky stores (which shall remain unnamed because I still love it) I see it. A reversable Wonder Woman hoodie. REVERSABLE. I call out to Bill and James. "hey look, they made a shirt for me" I look at the tag. YASSSSSSSSSSS! You see I normally wear a xl, but who dosn't love a little room. This night was getting better and better! I excitedly pull the hoodie off the rack, but something dosn't feel right. I look at the tag again, yup, it says xxl. I hold it up and look at it from various angles, hold it against my frame and the calculations are not adding up. So at this point I call over my 15 year old 145 pound child. (145 pounds stretched over a 5 foot 11 frame, yes hes quite slim) "Put this on" I tell him, and he obliges willingly. It fits, just barely. DOES ANYTHING ABOUT THIS PICTURE LOOK RIGHT TO ANY OF YOU??? I have close to one hundred pounds on this child, yeah why not, honesty sounds good tonight. How is this an xxl? So then I start second guessing myself. Is this a youth size? Nope its in the section with adult clothes. Is the tag wrong? NOPE, wanna know how I know? I held it along side the even smaller size xl. I was crushed. SPOILER COMING!! I was as crushed as Steppenwolfs axe was when Wonder woman beat the absolute crap out of it!!!!! Wonder Woman is an Amazonian Princess... do you know what Amazonian Princesses are? Are they itty bitty? NOPE!! They are BIG, strong, muscular, powerful women. When I think about it that is what I want to be, Strong, powerful in my own way, muscular, and if that means a little bigger, I am going to try and be ok with that to. For this moment however, im just feeling soooo mad. I really wanted that shirt! I think wonder woman would be disapointed in you people who made this unrealistic expectation and marvelous hoodie that I will never wear, because im bigger.. Oh well, at least I still have these. If this is the last time I get to chat with you before the holiday season, Merry Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Love and cherish every moment. Each year feels like a breath. Enjoy each one. And enjoy this picture of my girlies all dressed up for the season!

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